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Cunilla apud Plinium habet species, una sativa que cunilla bubylla appellatur semen pulegii simile, quidam hanc panaceam falso vocant, est et alia cunilla appellata a nostris, a grecis origanum heracleoticum. tertium genus est eius que a grecis mascula a nostris cunillago vocatur odoris fetidi radicis limose folio aspero et cetera, et infra, alia que mollis vocatur pilosioribus ramis et aculeatis, trita mellis habet odorem digitis tactu eius coherentibus.


Cunilla ABCQR efgn | Cũilla D | Cunila Pliny

apud Plinium ABCDQR egn | om. f

habet species ACDQR e | .iii. habet species B g | tres sunt species f | tres habet species n

sativa ABCDQR efn | satina g

cunilla bubylla AD | cunilla bubyla CQR | cunilla bubula B f | cunula bilbula e | cunilla bubycen g | Cunila … bubula Pliny

appellatur ACDQR efn | appelatur B | om. g

semen ABCDQR efn | om. gn

pulegii ABCDQR fn | pullegii e | om. g | pulei Pliny

simile ... hanc ABCDQR ef | om. gn

panaceam ACDQR f | pẽacẽ B | penaceӡ e | om. g | panacem n

cunilla appellata ACDQR g | ciruilacea apelata B | cunnulacea appellata e | cunilacea appellata fn | cunila gallinacea appellata Pliny

a nostris origanum ACDQR | a nostris a grecis vero origanum B | a nostris a grecis vero origanuӡ en | a nostris, a grecis origanum f | a grecis very origanum g | nostris, Graecis origanum Pliny

heracleoticum ABCDQR egn | beracledticum f

tertium genus ABCDQR gn | Terciũ genus vero e | tertium est genus f

est eius ABCDQR egn | om. f

cunillago ACQR efg | cunilago BD n

fetidi ACDQR g | fedi B efn | foedi Pliny

limose ABCDQR efgn | lignosae Pliny

aspero et cetera ABCDQR gn | aspero. deest etcetera in ef

mollis ACDQR efgn | molis B

pilosioribus ACBDQR fgn | pillosioribus e

ramis ABCDQR egn | folliis ramis f

mellis ACDQR efgn | melis B

habet odorem ACDQR fgn | odorem habet B e

coherentibus ABCDQR efgn | cohaerescentibus Pliny

Entry is missing in z


Cunilla in Pliny has several kinds, a cultivated one called cunilla bubula {"ox-cunilla"}, with seed similar to pulegium {"pennyroyal"}, which some people call falsely panacea. And there is a second cunilla so called by our people {but by the Greeks} origanum heracleoticum. The third kind is the one that is called mascula {"male"} by the Greeks and by us cunillago; it has a root that smells fetid and is miry {but Pliny: "like wood"}, with rough leaves, etc.

And further down {Pliny says}: There is yet another cunilla, which is called mollis {"the soft one"}, with branches that are more hairy and thorny, and when crushed it has the smell of honey; on touch it makes the fingers stick together.

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